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Global Investor Programme

The Global Investor Programme (GIP) is a scheme offered to global investors who intend to drive business and investment growth in Singapore and meet the eligibility criteria. It grants Singapore Permanent Residency (PR) to qualified applicants with substantial business records and successful entrepreneurial backgrounds.


Qualifying Criteria


Application Timeline and Considerations

The approval process for the Global Investor Programme takes approximately twelve months. The submitted applications undergo thorough due diligence. If the applicant submits an incomplete application, the approval process may be extended. Spouses and unmarried children (below 21 years old) can apply as accompanying applicants for Permanent Residency under the Global Investor Programme. Male accompanying applicants are required to fulfil national service obligations. However, parents, married children, and unmarried children above 21 years old cannot obtain Permanent Residency through the applicant's Global Investor Programme application. They can apply for a Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP). The validity of the LTVP depends on the validity of the applicant's Re-Entry Permit (REP).

For more information, please visit the

Permanent Residence (PR) Application

As a foreigner, you may be eligible to apply for permanent residence if you are a/an:


Spouse of a Singapore citizen or Singapore permanent resident (PR)


Unmarried child aged below 21 years old, born within the context of a legal marriage to, or have been legally adopted by, a Singapore citizen or PR


Aged parent of a Singapore citizen


Holder of an Employment Pass or S Pass


​Student studying in Singapore.


Foreign investor in Singapore.

There is no fixed processing time for PR applications. Officially, it takes approximately six months for processing. Each case is reviewed individually. Permanent residency is valid for a lifetime, and the re-entry permit (REP) validity ranges from 1 to 5 years based on individual circumstances.

NOTE: ICA considers factors such as the individual's family ties to Singaporeans, economic contributions, qualifications, age, family profile and length of residency, to assess the applicant's ability to contribute to Singapore and integrate into our society, as well as his or her commitment to sinking roots in Singapore.

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